
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sad to see summer go

I didn't even water while I was at the oasis today. No need giving trees false hope. In 48 hours it may be down to 20.°  Meanwhile, visiting birders and I enjoyed a lovely 87° day with ample birds to keep us occupied. Together we had around 40 species. Here's a selasphorus that I hope they got a sharper photo of the back on. I think it's an Allen's. Will need to consult Kelly Bryan to be sure once I get better photos.

I hiked among boulders and lechuguila, as much as my body would allow, looking for a Mary's Giant-Skipper. The lechuguila patches are up above where I parked here. (Oasis in background)

Lots of stuff blooming, even a couple of Indian Paintbrushes.

This Hermit Thrush felt the need for a drink, but not a bath.

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