
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pushing my limits

I tell myself no more swinging the pick ax. But then I do it anyway. Today I spent 3 hours working on the road. Two deep holes had washed on the edge that I feared a vehicle would fall into. I had placed a red sawhorse over them but that looked awful, so today I filled the holes with two pickup loads of rocks. I tried to cover the rocks with dirt but gave out. At least it's safe now.

I think I had taken a picture of the holes, but it must be on my town computer. I can't find it. Here it is today after the first load of rock. I had to drag that biggest rock into the hole behind my pickup with a chain.

Here are the holes after I couldn't go any longer.

I would resent the doves hogging the feeder but then I think about the Peregrines and don't mind so much.


  1. Guess your neck was better today? I'm not going to say anything about weilding pick ax, but being the bossy person I am, I am going to recommend you do stretches every day, including your neck. There's just something about getting old.....that stretching helps. So there. That's my speech.
    I am always fascinated by the life at the Oasis. What an achievement. You are accomplishing a lot.

  2. My neck no longer hurts but I can't turn my head at all to the left and very little to the right. I think neck exercises could help as long as I do them in moderation. I'm shocked that working on the road didn't make me worse. I wish I knew what caused my neck to "go out" so I could avoid it happening again. All I can come up with is that I sat watching TV in a different chair than I usually do and somehow I put the weight on my neck wrong. I have been doing neck stretches as best I can. Makes sense to try to keep things limber.
