
Friday, November 22, 2019

Neck 50% better today. YAY!

Wow, what a relief! I was worried that I might have to have surgery. Today for the first time since the pain started I didn't have to take ibuprofen to endure.

Had a couple of hummers at the feeder here in town today. One I didn't get a good enough look at to ID. My best guess would be Broad-tailed. Here is the only shot I got of it before a male Rufous chased it away. Pitiful photo, I know, but when a hummer comes in and I fear it won't be long, I just click without focusing, then if I have time, I focus. I figure a horrible shot is better than none. As it flew in, or off, I saw some orange-ish color on the flank. So that eliminates Anna's. That's the best I can do. Hopefully, it'll come back again, but the Rufous is very territorial.

Also had a bunch of Yellow-rumped Warblers foraging in the pecan trees. What was notable to me was that some of them were the Audubon's and some were the Myrtle's.

Look at my bright yellow throat - you can see I'm an Audubon's
Look at my pale throat - you can see I'm a Myrtle's

Ladder-backed Woodpeckers also like the pecan trees.

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