
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Still neck pain

Sunrise at the oasis
Because I still have the horrible neck pain I don't think it can be due to hidden MSG. For one thing, hidden MSG hasn't previously been a problem for me, and would more likely affect my head if it was. And by now, it would have been better. So, I guess I must have a pinched nerve or something. I have to keep taking ibuprofen in order to function.

One of today's visitors wanted the Allen's Hummingbird and Scaled Quail, which would be a lifer for him. I could not believe we didn't see one quail today. Yesterday they were everywhere. Go figure! This birder also discovered 3 Cassin's Finches. I heard and saw them circle above the oasis, but didn't know what they were, other than I didn't recognize the call. When we played the recording it sounded just like it. The visitor also got a pretty decent look at them, enough to confirm ID along with the call. But they didn't come into the feeder, so no photos. Bummer!

Got some nice shots of other stuff while I was (uncharacteristically) waiting around for the finches to come in. The Golden-fronted Woodpecker is still around and I was surprised to see him plucking grubs from a dried up old snag.

Spotted Towhee
Almost overnight the Bigtooth Maple tree changed color.

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