
Friday, December 6, 2019

Hopefully on the road to recovery

Feeling improved today and will take it easy for a few days. I had to cancel roadwork at CMO because of this and I really hated to do that. But road work is my priority and it's going to happen.

Here's a better photo of the Rufous Hummingbird that's been at our feeder here in Alpine since Nov 22. Having hummers helps to stave off winter doldrums.

Also had this juvenile, probably Rufous male, show up today. All photos taken through windows. Only way it can happen with me being sick and all.

After taking many dozens of photos throughout the day, I realized there are actually two juveniles here; the one above and the one below. Above bird has all green back. One below has more rufous on back and fuller gorget. Whew! It's hard to sort all these hummers out. 

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