
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Still not well

In spite of being sick I went to the oasis yesterday to water the trees. Now they should be fine until I'm well. I cough a lot and as hard as I try to prevent it, I sometimes aspirate. That's pretty scary when I can't get air into my lungs. I'm afraid to eat because if a fit of coughing happens, it causes me to choke. And the endless sneezing. But hopefully a couple days of rest and I'll be well on the way to recovery.

There was a Phainopepla feeding on hackberries at the oasis and I can't figure out why nothing is eating the madrone berries. So strange.

The two Allen's Hummingbirds are still present, as well as a couple of Brewer's Sparrows, Spotted Towhee, Green-tailed Towhee and quite a few other species. Still no Lark Buntings, and the Anna's Hummingbird seems to be gone.

Brewer's Sparrow

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