
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Alpine ready for nesting ducks

Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess. Didn't want to worry about the ducks not liking the next tube for some reason, so I made and installed another. This time I made sure hubby didn't cut the bottom off the photo. I zoomed the lens out as far as it would go and then just cropped the photo. I would have preferred he put more of the foreground on the picture, but hey, beggars can't be choosers! (I cropped out the top half of the photo.)

I'm always multitasking, and as I was doing laundry and changing sheets on the bed, I saw a hummer at the feeder outside the bedroom window. Had left my camera out by the pond nest project so only option was no photo, or cell phone photo. Barely documentary, but I believe it's the female Rufous with the broken bill. Can't tell with such a poor quality shot. Maybe it'll come back later today.

In a couple of days I'm going to take the agave stalk to CMO. If I can't  find someone to install it I'll just leave it there until I do find someone. Then CMO will be nest-ready.... as soon as Ladderbacked Woodpeckers drill the holes, that is. I sure hope the Golden-fronted Woodpecker doesn't enlarge it. I doubt Elf Owls will use it if they do. Should be interesting.

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