
Monday, January 27, 2020

New oasis skyline

Old age and treachery prevailed... with the help of my two sisters. Got the new agave stalk installed. Whew! I brought it in the long way around the Corazone Peaks so I didn't have to chance not making it up my big hill.

W Corazone on left / E Corazone on right
I averaged about 5 MPH on the 5 miles of dirt road.

We tried to muscle it into place but when we couldn't hold it anymore, the rope slid and took a flap of skin off my arm. (I have it set back in place and bandaged now).

After that failed, I decided to try to hoist it with my pickup. That succeeded, but we had to put up three guy wires, as the stalk was so top-heavy.

All worth it, though, to have this awesome agave stalk ready for woodpeckers and Elf Owls. 

While I was occupied with the stalk installation, I forgot I had turned on water into the water feature. So, naturally, it ran over and, once again, wasted a bunch of precious water. At least this time there were nearby trees getting watered. Very generously watered.


  1. That is a magnificent agave stalk. Cuts, scrapes, bruises, blood - all part of the price we pay for the love of nature.

    Carla in north Texas

  2. Yes, it is magnificent. Well worth the price. Something as lovely as that shouldn't be chopped up and disposed of like the owners had intended. My birds will love it for many years to come.
