
Thursday, January 9, 2020

An uneventful first week

The weather has been nice, but nothing of interest happening. The male Allen's Hummingbird was last seen on Jan 5. The next day I determined to clean house. Hadn't deep cleaned it for a couple of years. Made it through cleaning the upstairs fine, but downstairs my body began giving out. By 3 PM I could barely move, so am frustrated that I didn't get to the kitchen. Maybe one of these days. I know never again will I be able to clean the house in one day. And thinking about cleaning the storage buildings, tool shed, etc. is too daunting to contemplate.

Sitting in town now, recovering. Lots of ducks but no hummers. Today I saw at least 35 ducks. No more than seven of them could be our "domestic" ducks. I can't tell them apart from wild Mexican Ducks, but I can see there are also some Mallards in the mix.

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