
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Doing time in town

Getting really restless, but only six weeks until Lucifer Hummingbirds are back. At least I haven't had to do without seeing any hummers so far this winter. Yesterday it was horribly windy here in town, and today a hummer with a broken bill visited my feeders. I think it's the same individual Rufous that I photographed yesterday with a perfect bill. Perhaps the wind blew it into a wall or something.


Today's photos were taken in low light late in the day, so poor quality, but you can still see the broken bill. 😢

A few days ago my drummer son Leonardo's idol, Neil Peart, died of brain cancer at the age of 67. Lee loved him so much he got  me to do a painting of him about 40 years ago. This is for you Lee!

UPDATE: Since I posted this I've gotten better photos of the hummer with the broken bill and it's not the same one as the Jan 10 Rufous.

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