
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Moving right along


The shed is done and my son is headed back to Austin.

While waiting for it to warm up enough to paint the trim I ran out to the cemetery hoping to get photos of a Harris Hawk that's been seen there but I couldn't locate it. Did see a Vermillion Flycatcher there though. Nice to see a live one after the dead one I found on our patio (See post of January 16)

I saw a different Rufous Hummingbird at our town feeder today, not the one with the broken bill. I can't help but think the Rufous hummers just roam around in the winter, for no reason other than that's what they've evolved to do. Maybe those that roam have a better chance at survival. Otherwise, I don't see why one doesn't just hang around here. I check the feeder dozens of times every day and only saw this hummer the one time.

Heading to the oasis early in the morning. Can't wait.

UPDATE: Just before dark it rained in Alpine. Great that the shed is done, except there is a little caulking I was planning to do on it before it rained. He used old used metal on the back side and it had old screw holes in it that I'm going to caulk. Shouldn't have procrastinated.


  1. Once again I am astounded at your abilities.
    A step ladder. Even if only half way up. Glad you lived over it.

  2. I push myself and I admit it's painful, but I can't bear the thought of not being able to be active in life. I do go in slow motion when I'm doing stuff like that. I constantly had to move the ladder, so it was up and down all the time. After doing 3 sides I didn't argue when my son offered to take over. But the next day I'm good to go again. I do live with back, knee, and neck pain, but I hear most old people live in pain. Fortunately, if I take ibuprofen it helps a lot. I'm just usually too stubborn to take it. Save that option for dire circumstances.
