
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Slow winter day at oasis

The weather was lovely, but not much going on. I've still only seen one butterfly species for the year, and no dragonflies. The feeders were empty so I filled them and headed back to town. No need just sitting there building a fire in the stove to keep warm. I have some projects I want to do in town. Someone gave me a perfect dead agave stalk for my Elf Owls. Just gotta figure out how to get it to the oasis.

Want to caulk my son's shed, and make a duck nest for our ducks. (I wouldn't, but my husband insists.) Still have at least one [female] Anna's Hummingbird at the oasis.

Yuccas are starting to bloom along the road to the oasis.

Gonna be an early spring.

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