
Thursday, March 12, 2020

A killer day

I wore myself totally out watering trees this morning and hadn't heard from the road contractor. So after lunch, as bad as I needed a nap, I forced myself to pack up and go to town. My husband was chomping at the bit without me there for one day.

No sooner did I get unpacked in town than I got a text from the contractor that he's coming tomorrow to do the work. He even brought his dozer over this evening. So I packed up again and came back to the oasis. I don't like to drive at night, but I did. Tomorrow will be a killer day, picking up rocks and raking the road, but I'll be so glad to get it improved.

While I was watering this morning I was combating bees at the feeders. Had a pretty intense reaction to yesterday's sting too. Pain and swelling, then bad itching today. Never had that before.

Anyway, I tried various things hoping to deter the woodpecker. I hung a fat-reservoir feeder and cut off the perches so it couldn't sit on the feeder. It tried though because when I went back 30 minutes later it was covered with bees. I'll just have to see if it gives up or what.

I found some cheap feeders someone had given me that have tiny bases. No woodpecker could sit on it but don't know if bees will bother it or not. We'll see. It' has a pretty deep base so that should be good. It's cheap thin plastic and won't hold up long, but may last long enough for the woodpecker to move on. A work in progress. I'm falling asleep here so have to get to bed. Road work pictures tomorrow.

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