
Friday, March 13, 2020

Pushed beyond the limit


The dozer work today went well, but my road is mostly rocks so has to be raked to be acceptable. Also the cleats on the dozer left it like a washboard to drive on even where I had no work done. So I raked until I couldn't. I had six spots of the road worked on and was determined to finish raking one of them today. Was close to making it, even though ready to collapse, when I got a terrible pain, like a Charley-horse in my left shoulder. Couldn't move after that. Came to the house at 7 PM and took ibuprofen. If I don't move, the pain is now bearable. Gonna turn in early tonight.

It's so wonderful to finally have someone to do road work. After my late husband passed away I didn't have anyone. Then I married my current husband, who lives in Alpine, and he got a little bobcat that he would occasionally be persuaded to bring down and do some work. But it was very contentious. He never could get anyone to work on it so sold it. 

Brian Kline lives locally and can do whatever I need done, so I'm a happy camper... once I get it raked. While digging out some large boulders a pin holding the blade came out. Brian cheerfully hammered it back in with a rock.

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