
Friday, March 6, 2020

Good and bad woodpeckers

Finally got my first Lucifer photo of the year. First Lucifer photo with my new camera, too.

I had the white balance set too high and cut off the tail, but I'll learn...eventually. Sometimes Lucifer gorgets look very reddish and sometimes they look very blue-ish. Just depends on the lighting and humidity, or whatever. Normally, they're more of a magenta color.

I'm being defeated by the Golden-fronted Woodpecker! Might have to invent something to keep the feeders from tilting or put a screen around the feeders to keep the woodpecker off. Or shoot the woodpecker! I'm really frustrated that it won't leave the feeders alone.

I've been waiting for the Ladder-backed Woodpeckers to excavate nesting holes in the new agave stalk. Today one appeared to have started a hole. We will see. It's on the south side of the stalk, which Elf Owls don't prefer, but maybe I can turn the stalk. Time is of the essence. The female owls will be choosing their nests this month.


  1. Good to see the Lucifer is back. Nice photo. Connie and have a Sony RX10 IV that we haven’t put to use yet. Maybe later you could share your settings with us.
    We have 8-10 Bullock Orioles spend the summer with us and they drink on hummingbird feeders spilling the nectar. Same bee problem here!

  2. I just shot this on S mode with the white balance ramped up too much. I think I had it at 1.3 and the speed at 1/1600. I'm just playing around with it still. It's weird, I noticed the gorget looks blue and the first Lucifer pic I took last year had a blue gorget. Can't figure it out. Must be the light this time of year, but I think other times this time of year the gorget color has been normal. My camera is a 3 and yours is a 4 but I think a faster shutter speed gives sharper pictures. So try that with a little adjustment on the white balance but not much.

    1. Thanks for the info. Gives me a heads up.��

  3. Jack Arona & Daniel Smith, why Spam under the phony guise of being interested in her blog ???

    1. I don't understand why people do that either. I delete spam comments.
