
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Not a total lack of lustre

This time of year is bleak at the oasis. The Golden-fronted Woodpecker seems to have found a permanent home, so the feeders still have bee issues.

My energy level is chronically low. I was dreading having to water in the morning. But then I got an email from someone that visited yesterday and reported having had a "fabulous" time. (They saw the Lucifer Hummingbird too.) Stuff like that re-motives me. I can keep on keeping on as long as it brings joy to other people. And possibly the road work is going to happen tomorrow. That means I'll have to rake the road but at least I can do it a bit at a time. And I might find someone to help me if it's really bad. 

I did actually see my first Lucifer of the year today, but didn't get a photo. It only came to the feeder one time. I waited to get a perched shot away from a feeder, but didn't happen. 

The seed feeder stays busy. I have it up out of bear's reach, but need to find the energy to put the "unwelcome" mat down tomorrow. Although bear visits are usually in the fall, they sometimes drop by in the spring.

I know I'm just tired tonight. In the morning the tasks won't seem so daunting. And it'll be worth killing myself on the road just to have it done. Everything after that will be easy going.

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