
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

No rest today

We have a rent house vacant so I worked on it all day. Have to scour the floors with oven cleaner and anxious to get it over with so my lungs can recover just in case I get the virus. Six more hours until I finish the floors, but I can only do about two hours a day of the oven cleaner. So looking at three more days. Won't be as hard as today since I have the refrigerator and range done. It took me four hours on the range. I swear it was the nastiest one I've ever done.

Our tomatoes are doing good. They have little tomatoes on them.

My husband went shopping around town today and found toilet paper so we're all stocked up. Of course, since I'm self-isolating with him, I'm only as safe from the virus as he is. Causes me plenty of anxiety. I nag him about it but he pays no attention.  He claims he keeps his distance and uses the mask I gave him but I've watched him in our yard talking to neighbors, mailman, etc. and he doesn't.

So far there are no confirmed cases in Alpine, which only means no one has died of it, since they don't test anyone, and only positive tests are considered confirmed.

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