
Saturday, April 4, 2020

The luxury of water

I spent the day watering and catching up at CMO. By late afternoon I was de-stressed, but exhausted. Almost forgot about the pandemic for a while. Will finish up tomorrow before heading back to town.

I'm going to really hate when migrant birds start flocking to the oasis in a couple of weeks and no birders here. Will be glad when this plague is over. Someone suggested it might be good for the oasis to get a rest from birders, but I've never seen any negative effect from birders. The only thing I notice different is the parking area is starting to grow over.

I made a decision today that felt like a real luxury. This time of  year the stucco tank is out of water so I start using from the big tank. But for the last two years, when I pump the big tank down, the pond-weed that is just starting to take hold, gets out of water and dies.  I even tried moving it down into the water as the level drops, but that hadn't helped either. So today I decided to use water from my new above ground tank and let the pond-weed establish better. 

It's the first time I've ever taken water out of the new tank. A pain getting it all hooked up. I couldn't get one fitting tight enough so it leaks, but only when the valve is turned on. It's so awesome that I have the equivalent of what would be five feet of water in the stucco tank with no leaks or evaporation to worry about like if it actually was in the stucco tank. I could lavish water on the oasis if I knew for sure we were going to get monsoons this summer. So I still have to be frugal, but it's such a luxury to just turn a valve and have all that wonderful water that I've never had before this time of year when it's most needed. (Of course, if I hadn't stupidly lost a foot of water in the stucco tank this past winter I would still have water in it.) It's one thing to know I have the new tank full of water, but I discovered it's another thing to actually enjoy using the water. Almost felt like a paradigm shift.

I don't feel like we're in a drought pattern. Hope I'm not wrong. Tomorrow I hope to have time to take photos. Today was cool, breezy, and overcast so didn't inspire me.

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