
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Fender bender

I've never had a wreck so I guess I was due, but I really hate it. I was driving at an intersection in Alpine where I had the yield sign, heading into pre-sunset bright sunlight with a big black pickup parked blocking the view of oncoming traffic. This is a quiet residential neighborhood.

As I entered the intersection slowly I couldn't see anything coming until I got into the intersection past the black pickup. A small car was speeding toward me. I should have stepped on the gas like he expected me to do, but being a little old lady, I froze. He, thinking I would continue on through the intersection, swerved toward my tail end to avoid hitting my front end as he would have if I hadn't stopped. Had I stepped on the gas when I saw him, he would therefore have missed me. Or had he expected me to stop when I saw him, he could've passed in front of me and missed me. On my mind was yielding the right-of-way to him. He never hit his brakes. He seemed like a really nice guy. I felt sorry for him. He said his car was old and he'd been wanting a new one. Maybe he'll get it now thanks to my insurance company.

A witness told me the guy was speeding, but the cop said it didn't matter, he had the right-of-way. The cop didn't take it very seriously. He didn't give either of us a ticket. Haven't told my husband yet. He goes to bed at 6 PM. Nothing he can do anyway. So that's my day.


  1. So a virgin no longer. Glad it was so minor. Still, it's unnerving when it happens. When I think about it, it's actually kind of amazing that there are no more wrecks than there are....all things considered.

  2. I agree. I've come so close so many times that I feel like I've lived through it, but it's way more impactful than I realized. I'm glad, since the other driver didn't know what I would do, that he took the safest option by trying to drive behind me. Just wish I had stepped on the gas when I saw him bearing down on me. I think my age has something to do with it. I used to would have acted riskier. The car is in the shop and since no one got a ticket I guess it's gonna go down as a no-fault situation. When no one is injured they don't want to waste money in litigation. Especially since our deductible is $2000.

  3. Of course he shouldn't have been speeding, and he should have hit the brakes just in case.

    1. You're right, it was minor but at the time I was sure the back end of my car would be mangled. Sure sounded like it on impact. When I got out and looked I was amazed that it wasn't worse.
