
Monday, May 18, 2020

Hot and hotter

When I arrive at the oasis I always feel so exhilarated, and when I leave to come to town I feel a heaviness. Today was especially hard because I had hoped to relocate the Blue-winged Warbler, but not to be. At least by not being at the oasis all the time I really appreciate it when I'm there. And every day is over 100° these days so very little time to enjoy. It makes me want to water things constantly and that's a lot of work, not to mention using up the precious water supply.

Pictures from the oasis this morning include this Variegated Meadowhawk that I'm not sure if it's emerging from its chrysalis or eating a spider or what.

Next is a Bell's Vireo sitting on its nest.

While I was running water into the stucco tank a little blind snake was getting drowned so my visitor went and rescued it. It sure looks like an earthworm to me, but he knows his snakes.

Back in Alpine, I checked on the ducklings. They've survived a week now, so I'm optimistic that they'll make it. I don't think we've ever lost ducklings after the first week. I guess by now they've learned all they need to know to survive. Hope so anyway.

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