
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Surprise lifer today!

Late this afternoon I decided to go check out the oasis one last time. It had cooled off from the high of 97° today. When I saw a Blue-winged Warbler foraging in an oak tree I knew right away what it was just from seeing photos of one all my life. I really feared I wouldn't get a diagnostic photo with it moving so fast and me so slow at focusing my new camera. After about 30 minutes of trying, I got a couple of shots that are at least diagnostic. I'll settle for that.

If the bird is still around in the morning, I'll try again, but I'm a happy camper. It's a species I never thought I'd see.

Earlier in the day, I photographed a perched dragonfly that I needed help to ID. It's a Wandering Glider. Not new or rare or anything, but at least it sat still for a photo.

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