
Friday, June 19, 2020

Another watering over

It took a long time to water the last couple of days but got it done and back in town. I bought a reducer for my 2" pump so may be able to speed up watering in the future. Poor oasis is suffering but at least I still have water to dole out to it. Except the native stuff. Sure hope my hackberry thicket recovers.

The mesquites don't seem to mind. They're sagging under the weight of beans.

Saw my first Neon Skimmer for the year. They always like the back water feature with the drip. Except with my pump issues, no more drip or water there. But while watering today I put some water in the little horsetail pond back there and in no time at all a Neon Skimmer showed up.

A worn Black Witch moth hung out on the horsetails too.

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