
Saturday, June 20, 2020


When I was coming to town yesterday I saw a huge fire flare up just east of Nine Point Mesa (maybe at Cedar Springs). It died down quicker than if it had been a lightning fire. So I'm sure someone ignored the county wide burn ban. Scary! This photo taken from my gate.

I got to town mid-afternoon after being out in the heat watering all morning. Did my usual things. Catch up on housework, fill feeders, etc here in town. Went to bed at my normal time. Woke up at 4 AM this morning with a bad headache. I knew that meant I was dehydrated. Couldn't find my water bottle that I carry everywhere with me. It was still in my pickup! That meant I hadn't drunk a drop for over 12 hours. (I don't drink anything except water.) Shocking! I went out to my pickup and retrieved it and drank as much as I could. Finally got back to sleep. Should not be doing that. I hardly ever feel thirsty, so have to make an effort to remember to drink water.

I had promised myself a birding trip to Post Park in Marathon and did not want to get up at the early hour I had planned. But I knew I'd be OK once I got moving. At the park I didn't see the birds I hoped to, but enjoyed the company of other birders there. Didn't take any good photos. A pair of Scissortail Flycatchers was a treat. I seldom get one at the oasis.

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