
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Good Marathon day

I headed to Marathon by 8:00 AM. Several birders were already there looking for the Steak-backed Oriole (Bill Sain, Dennis Cooke, & David Stekoll). Shortly before 10:00 AM Bill and Dennis had to leave. Dennis had seen it way off in the mesquites yesterday evening but hadn't gotten a photo, so he had wanted one. After they left we were joined by Beth McBroom. It's my belief that the more eyes spread out the better the chances, so I moved a ways away from David and Beth. Soon I spotted the bird perch high in a cottonwood tree near me. I feared it would disappear into the mesquites before I could get them over and onto the bird, but luckily they made it and got good looks. Beth took photos so I hope hers are better than mine showing the back. I only got one partial blurry one of the back. My hands aren't steady and with the zoom all the way out, it's difficult to focus and stay on the bird in a big rush, while expecting the bird to disappear any millisecond. But I'm satisfied with my photos enough that I'm not going to go back again.

I heard Beth saw it again after I left. Also, apparently, the bird is for sure a Streak-backed Oriole, just not sure where it came from. The fact that it returned again this year makes it less likely to be an escaped bird, so I'm hoping the record committee will accept it this year.

While waiting for the Streak-backed to show up I photographed this juvenile Bullock's Oriole .

My husband is not feeling well so he's got me waiting on him hand and foot. I scheduled him for a covid test tomorrow. Doubt that's what's wrong with him but better to be positive. He occasionally gets sick. If he has the virus, I'm sure to get it too. He coughed on me last night.

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