
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Oasis in distress

It goes without saying that when the oasis is in distress I'm in distress. I went down last night so I could do the watering early today but the (220v) pump wouldn't come on. I hooked up a little portable (120v) pump and it came on and off, on and off. So I plugged in a light bulb to the outlets and they did the same thing. Called an electrician. He's going to come out Monday. So I came back to town without watering. Meanwhile, things are looking bad. I had left a drip on the cottonwood tree but it wasn't functioning when I got to the oasis last night. That was my first indication of a problem.

The plan is for me to take a borrowed generator down there and water Sunday, then see what the electrician says. Here's my pitiful soapberry thicket in the arroyo. It doesn't get watered but this shows you how dry things are.

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