
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Really run down

Haven't slowed down like I usually do in between watering days at the oasis. Went to the Post Park again today for the sixth time, partly to see if I could get a better photo of a dragonfly I shot yesterday. An expert said it looked like it could be a Flag-tailed Spinyleg, which might be a county record. But I didn't see it today, nor did I see the Streak-backed Oriole today. And if that's not bad enough, I now have to go to the oasis to start watering, without rest time in between (unless it rains tonight). I had to take ibuprofen this morning to even walk. It didn't make walking easier, just less painful.

Here's the potential spinyleg. And the only photo I'm going to have of it. I saw it off behind a chain-link fence so couldn't get close, or at a better angle.

While looking for it today I saw this Sulphur-tipped Clubtail. That's a pretty common one at the Post. 

Back in Alpine there were 3 baby raccoons in the big Pecan tree. Two disappeared before I could take this photo.

UPDATE: The potential Flag-tailed Spinyleg turned out to be a Sulphur-tipped Clubtail.

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