
Friday, June 26, 2020

Tried my best

Had fun at the Post Park this morning even though I didn't get a photo of the oriole, and not positive I even saw it. Not sure I'll be going back any time soon either. Maybe if someone else gets photos I'll be inspired to try again.

Arrived there at 7 AM, and of the nearly five hours I was there, I had the place pretty much to myself for the first 3 hours. Someone had moved a picnic table to a good oriole watching spot since I was last there so I was able to sit in the shade of it at a good vantage site. I thought I saw quick glimpses of the oriole a couple of times, but no photos. Until the sun came out, I moved the table out from under the roof so I could stand on it and get a better look at the mesquite thickets just outside the fence there.

I think this was my 5th trip for the oriole. In all those trips I was so focused on finding the oriole that I didn't take time to photograph the Yellow-green Vireo there, but today I did.

Barn Swallow

UPDATE: 7 PM: Just got an email from a friend who stopped by the Post this morning, probably about the time I left, and got a good look at the oriole. No photo. Dang! Wish I had stayed longer. Guess I'll be going back again!

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