
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

So much to do

I dried peaches yesterday, during the night, and into this morning, then came to the oasis. Feeders empty so had to fill clean ones and wash the dirty ones, then take the heavy pump out of the lower dirt tank lest it rains. Then clean out the intake in that tank and other stuff. Tomorrow I have to water all day but it's a slow process so I can look for odes while I'm watering.

You probably think I feel real bad that these Tree Tobaccos have died, but I don't. I expected it. That's the way they are. They grow 4-6' in a year but with too much heat and water a fungus seems to take them out. What survives, survives. Hopefully, new sprouts will come up everywhere and do better than transplants. It'll become more natural looking.

 I tried for comet photos this evening but deleted them all. I could see the tail just fine but it barely showed up on my photos. I'll leave it to the experts. Orlando Fonseca took this nice shot of it over the oasis a few days ago. That's better than I could ever take.

Here is the only other comet that I've ever photographed at the oasis. It's a film camera snapshot. I have no idea the date Anyone know what comet it could be? Seems to be to the north east. Maybe Halley's comet?


UPDATE: Someone told me that last photo is of a comet called IRAS from 1983. So unless I learn different, I'll go with that.


  1. Could it be that really bright one Hale-Bopp from 1997?

  2. I think it must be. That's all I can come up with. Wasn't that called Halley's?

  3. Halley's is the one that comes every 75 years and was last here in 86. Very unusual for one to come around that often.

  4. So it was either the one in 86 or the one in 97. I guess it comes down to which was visible to my northeast. I'll probably go with 97.
