
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Doing the math

As I was watering today with my little pump stuck into the big tank with its weak stream of water by the time it goes through 50 to 100 feet of hose, I was thinking that each tree needs to have the hose to it for about 30 minutes. So there are approximately 40-50 trees. That's about 24 hours. If I watered 8 hours a day it would take 3 days to finish. By then it would be time to start over again when it's this hot. Today it only got up to 97° so things are looking up. And I think my son is going to rewire the stucco tank Sunday. Hopefully, that'll do the trick.

While waiting for each tree to get watered I made myself a shady spot under a scrubby mesquite to sit and photograph spreadwings. The only place I can find them is in that vegetation hanging into the water.

 I'm convinced that one is a California Spreadwing and my ID problems are due to the distance and lighting. I lightened this one via camera settings and not photoshop.

The dragonfly pond doesn't have much activity in it since the mosquitoes are gone. And it probably doesn't help that when I got that monsoon gambusias escaped from the big tank and got into the other tanks. They're voracious eaters of mosquito larva

I believe this is the loveliest Band-winged Dragonlet I've seen. I'm thinking maybe a juvenile male. I came upon it out in the trees as I was watering.


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