
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Town and country

Saw this gorgeous Horned Lizard today in Alpine at my son's house. He lives a block from us and says he doesn't poison fire ants like my husband does. Might be why he has the lizards and we don't.

Next is a Curve-billed Thrasher that's missing one leg. He hops around and seems to do just fine.

On my way to the oasis I had to stop and photograph this cloudburst just north of Santiago Peak. So far this  year rain has been spotty. I feel so lucky to have been one of the few spots to get it, even if I didn't get to witness the event.

At the oasis I laid out the wire in preparation for my son and son-in-law wiring it to the pump in the stucco tank tomorrow. Sure hope that solves the problem. Getting the line buried is going to be the hard part. Hopefully, I'll have some help. Saw my first Filigree Skimmer for this year today.

And while I was servicing hummingbird feeders I spotted this Black-chinned Hummingbird hanging upside down from a twig. He was still alive. Just overcome from the heat and dryness while migrating I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful cloud photo!!! Connie and I are lucking in that we don’t have fire ants where we are in Swisher County. But we do have the stardard old red ant, and we’re letting them grow in numbers. No poison in hopes of helpinG bring back the horned lizard here. They were common when we were young but rare now.
