
Monday, August 17, 2020

All in a day's play

I'm pacing myself a little better lately. I have a doctor's appointment for Thursday just to check my heart. Nothing to play around with.

Sat at the drip after I finished the watering that I didn't get finished yesterday. Mostly the same birds. Tomorrow some birders are coming and the more eyes the better the birds. Today I had a bird photographer here, but he didn't walk around birding so much as just sit at the camera.

Also tomorrows visitors are into odes. Alas, the flycatchers ate them all I think. That Warbling Vireo is still here. I was glad to see it eating an American Snout butterfly (although I didn't get a photo of it). Those dang snouts (sorry, Brian) have blanketed the place for at least a month. Time to make themselves good for something.

Walking along my trail I encountered a javelina that wouldn't budge. Discretion is the better part of valor, so I made a wide circuit around him. His hairs were standing straight up, and I knew I was between him and the rest of  his squadron.

The drought is so bad that birds are eating the berries on the Chinese Pistachio tree as fast as they ripen. I've never seen birds eat those berries before. Maybe I'm just more observant lately, since the tree is near the drip/birdbath that I sit watching more now.

Summer Tanager

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