
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Odeing blues

I finally got some visiting oders and no odes worth looking at here. Bleak. Need rain.  Birds are scrounging around as best they can. Eating the Chinese pistachio berries (which I'm glad to see) and what insects they can find.

Summer Tanager
Trying to sort out Empidonax flycatchers but not making much progress. Here are a couple of Lesser Goldfinches.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it?"
Several days ago Jimi Lowrey took this AWESOME photo from the oasis (looking northeast) of a meteor. How cool is that?

And this evening I saw my first oasis Bullsnake. Exciting for me.

And here's a preview of the Aoudad photo yet to come. Taken by Ivan Castanedo on the west side of my big hill. When he gets home and processes his photos he'll send me the actual photo.

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