
Friday, August 21, 2020

Fun Post Park day!

This morning I headed to Post Park south of Marathon, specifically to locate an Orange Bluet that a friend had seen there two days ago. I followed her instructions on locating one. And to make sure nothing got overlooked, I photographed every damselfly that was even remotely orange-ish. There were quite a few beige-ish damselflies that I assumed were juveniles (tenerals). I didn't see anything that looked like the photo she had showed me. It's not really a lifer for me, I saw a few in Austin some years back, but none in Brewster County, and no good photos of a male.

After doing this for an hour or two (I lose track of time) some birder friends arrived and soon saw the Groove-billed Ani that had been being seen at the park a week or so ago. So I determined to photograph the ani. I got this unsatisfactory shot, but hung around the location for another hour or so (I lose track of time). I heard it call, but never saw it again, so made another round of the pond for the Orange Bluet and headed for home.

As I was going through my photos trying to ID everything, I saw one ode that looked like it could be an Orange Bluet. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but I'm pretty certain.* So an exciting day after all!

Yesterday in Alpine I photographed this Plateau Spreadwing consuming what appears to be a teneral firetail or something.

Tomorrow I have to go water at the oasis. I'm tired now, but I'm sure I'll be ready in the morning.

Orange Bluet has now been confirmed. Another I submitted with it (below) has been confirmed. I think this one is the juvenile female, and the first one a juvenile male.

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