
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Happy to be back at the oasis

In spite of the work and heat, I'm happy when I'm at the oasis. The heat doesn't bother me personally, but I hate how it affects vegetation. I just spray myself with water if need be, and keep on going. I know soon enough the weather will get cold, so I'm enjoying summer while I can. As for the drought, that would devastate me if I didn't have all my wonderful water. And I know eventually it'll rain again. September and October will likely be very rainy.

I painted the ladder I leave at the drip tank. It doesn't look bad at all. Here's how it looks up close.

And from back a little ways you can hardly see it.

I left a pretty strong drip going three days ago and when I arrived today it was barely dripping. At least it lasted 3 days. I"m seldom gone more than 3 days. Hopefully, I can improve on it. Here's an example of why the drip is so important to me. Just sat down a few minutes and birds arrived.

Numbers of odes and butterflies are low for this time of year. Not as many hummers as normal for August either. I'm thinking they're bypassing the Big Bend in their fall migration this year, but maybe they're postponing migration until it rains here. This Willow Flycatcher has been hanging around.

Worms are devouring some bushes, but haven't gotten to this volunteer mulberry tree yet. It gets ravaged every year though. I thought I'd take a photo of it while it's still looking good. Only since that June rain, of course.

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