
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Persistence paid off

On July 15, I saw a damselfly that I was sure was a California Spreadwing, which is rare in Texas. But it was way across the tank where I couldn't get a close shot of it. (See posts of July 17, 19 & 23) Since then, I kept taking unsatisfactory shots. A couple of photographers with big lenses (Mike Gfeller & Orlando Fonseca) got good diagnostic photos of it, but what I wanted was to see it close up and get good photos myself. Finally, today it perched near where I was passing by and I got my photos. Made me really happy, for some weird reason. LOL (It is without a doubt a California Spreadwing.)

I had to water today and service feeders before coming to town so didn't have time to bird watch. But a bird photographer visiting got a nice photo of a male Calliope Hummingbird, so some migrants are coming through. Based on how much sugar water solution they're consuming, quite a few are coming through.


  1. The experts aren't accepting my California Spreadwing sightings until I get them a specimen. Hope I can.
