
Monday, August 31, 2020

Oasis overload

OMG! The number of species seen at the oasis today was limited only by one's ability to see and identify them. I managed 55 species, but know there were more. It was 109° there and the only water and food around. Quite a few insects... so many biting flies that I had to use repellent. And still berries ripening on the persimmons and Chinese Pistache trees. Two species I'd never documented at the oasis before, Grace's Warbler and Least Grebe.

The warbler flitted around in the grass so fast that I couldn't get a good photo, but at least documentation.

The grebe was much more cooperative. Even gave me a big covid hug. 

And while I'm anthropomorphizing, isn't it sweet how this father and son are bonding?

Nice photo ops today at the bird bath. Here are a few of the countless one I snapped.

Male Townsend's Warbler

Plumbeous Vireo (with deformed bill)
Young male Lazuli Bunting
Virginia Warbler
Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler

Common Yellowthroat
As you may guess, I didn't get much watering done today, so I have to really get with it tomorrow.

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