
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

More normal

Yesterday at 11 AM I quit watering because it was 102.°  Today at 11 AM it was 80° so I kept on watering until I got it done. HOWEVER, yesterday I sat in the shade watching the bird bath for 3 or 4 hours since it was too hot to water. Today I had to finish watering and come to town, so not much time to watch birds, unfortunately. But birders will be coming this weekend and hopefully birding will still be good. It slowed down a bit today because of the cooler weather. The birds were able to continue migration. And we got a tiny shower. Enough to make little puddles in the arroyo, so the birds were less desperate. Unless we get rain in the next couple of days conditions will revert back to dire again. The little puddles will have evaporated and the temperatures are predicted to get right back up into the triple-digits.

The Least Grebe is still around. During our early morning sprinkle I took a photo of it. Both the grebe and the sprinkle are rare at the oasis. Maybe it'll stick around all winter. There should be plenty of tadpoles and gambusias in the tank for it to feed on.

I was surprised to see a Clay-colored Sparrow already. And ebird flagged my Lincoln's Sparrow. Good thing I took a photo for documentation.

These signs cracked me up. Neighbors put them up inside the arroyo that comes down from my place. It rages in a monsoon (after my tanks are full). So funny! The first monsoon will wash those signs to the Gulf of Mexico.  And the road crosses the arroyo. If anyone had been down the arroyo I would have seen tracks. And definitely none of my family or visitors have. I just don't get it. The owners inherited the place from their parents a couple of years ago. Surely they've been around the area long enough by now to figure it out. I guess you can't fix stupid!

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