
Friday, September 4, 2020


I run myself ragged. Day before yesterday I did laundry and catch-up work here in town. Around 11 AM I ventured outdoors only to discover our place dripping with birds. So I took my camera and set out to document what I could. I'd never seen so many flycatchers at one location before. Wood-pewees and Willow Flycatchers galore, plus who knows what all else! Here are a few of my photos.

Willow Flycatchers were all over the place

Probably juvenile Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Townsend's Warbler
While I was blogging this post two days ago at 9 PM, I get a message from someone birding the oasis that my water drip tank was empty. So I went down there and filled it at 11 PM,* then back to Alpine at noon yesterday. Birds galore there too. Before I left I snapped a few photos, including this Belted Kingfisher.

While I was there I saw a photographer had set up his own drip where the light is better for photography. That did it! I resolved to fix a drip setup and dismantle the worthless water feature that I had put in too close to the bird blind. Enough is enough. So tomorrow I'm going back down there and work on that as well as do the watering. If that doesn't kill me I don't know what will. LOL

This Black-and-white Warbler hung around (no pun intended) the ponds in Alpine for about 15 minutes. I didn't have time to adjust my camera. Should have just switched to Auto. He's a little over-exposed. 

Also had a relatively cooperative Marsh Wren. I don't think we've had that species here at our ponds before. He foraged among the lotus leaves all morning.

I have no idea how things will go tomorrow, but I'll try to post before, during, and after photos. Here's a 2010 photo of the one I'm going to dismantle tomorrow. 

It's too close to the blind, no filter so pumps (3) burn out trying to recirculate water, have to be there to constantly monitor, etc. The new drip feature will be where I, or a photographer, can turn on the drip during a photo session. The bird drip/bath back in the shade is good for just sitting and watching birds and also for taking documentary photos, but not for professional photography.

* Since the drip has a habit of stopping, I had left it drip too much and it emptied the tank. I won't do that again. If it stops, it stops. I heard from a birder there today that it's still going fine, so we'll see.

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