
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Another killer day!

 To make matters worse, knowing I had to get up early and head to the oasis, I didn't sleep last night. I used to do that when Kelly and I banded hummers and it was the worst part of banding.

Dug right into all I had to do. Hummingbird feeders were very low even though I filled them 2 days ago. Yikes! My helper showed up. It was way harder to take out that lower portion of the water feature so I amended my plan. I think it'll be fine. Here's before any work this morning. It looks good. Not removing it because it's ugly but because it takes up important space and does nothing.

Into the muck
So the new plan is to put a drip in the tank behind the front part that we removed. Originally the tank had a recirculating pump that never worked and burned out 3 pumps. So now, it's just going to have a drip into it when photographers are there until Mike Gray installs a state-of-the-art solar filtered system. Didn't get the drip hooked up today because the new hose splitter I bought leaks. I'll rig up something temporary in the morning. Here's how we left it today. Needs lots of rock arranging and tweaking, but headed in a better direction. I've always said, when people praise the oasis, that they're seeing only the 10% that worked out, not the 90% failure. I've ripped out more than I've kept for sure, but it's all a labor of love and learning.This will be the first time the oasis has a drip in the sun. That's what photographers need most.

I didn't have time today to focus much on birds. Lots of hummers including Anna's, Ruby-throateds, Lucifers, Black-chinned, Calliope, and probably Broad-tailed.

First of season Anna's.
Male Ruby-throated

Least Grebe is still there.

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