
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A week just flew by

 No wonder people are asking me if I'm OK. I can't believe it's been a week since I blogged. Lot of catch up to do here. Never did see the Costa's in Alpine. Then a birder to the oasis said he saw a female Costa's at CMO there yesterday. No one else saw it and no photo. He's a good experienced birder. It's possible all these fires out west are sending the hummers there scattering. Both sightings seem to have been one time events. Maybe one that comes through will decide to hang around.

My final pump fiasco. When I got to the oasis a few days ago to water and service feeders no water would come out of the one faucet. That had happened once before and then it started working. This time it didn't. I figured it had to do with the old pressure tank still connected to the system so I killed myself removing that. Didn't change anything. People had suggested sludge in the line but I knew the water from all the faucets was always clean. To leave no stone unturned I removed that faucet. Sure enough, there was a small stick inside it. So, I just hooked the hose up directly to the water line now. No faucet. That's going to speed up watering. I'm keeping it simple. Keep faucets open, turn on the pump, and out comes water. Just have to keep moving the hoses from tree to tree. Then turn off the pump. With cooler weather I won't be watering as often. The only possible problem now would be a water shortage. I did only get one rain this year and so early in the year, followed by all that record heat, that I may have to ration water next year. And I don't have to worry about faucets freezing anymore since no check valves to keep water in the lines. Finally fool-proof. I'm so relieved. Dependable at last!

Birding was great the past week. I'll post a few of my favorite photos from the week. The Least Grebe is still at the oasis. Here's a photo of it that I like.

Normally I have trouble telling an Olive-sided Flycatcher from a Western Wood-Pewee. The white patch on the flanks of an Olive-sided is usually hidden, but not so with this young one (Alpine).

There were several American Redstarts at the oasis but way too fast for me to photograph plus I didn't have time to sit at the drip and wait them out. But this Nashville Warbler was more cooperative. 

Here's a colorful Black-headed Grosbeak from this morning (oasis).

And even an Osprey rested at the oasis.

The awesome migration really has me spoiled. Gonna hate it when birds are few and far between. Maybe some good species will overwinter to keep things interesting.

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