
Thursday, September 17, 2020

An ordinary day in town

 I shouldn't call it ordinary since there are still a few migrants straggling through, and the new of having my youngest son live in Alpine hasn't worn off. He and his wife love living here. He's still pinching himself to believe it's real. Right now he's overworking himself setting up his sign business, bringing the rest of his stuff from Austin, and finishing his mobile home. A new roof is the next step. I'm pleasantly surprised how nice and homey the inside looks already.

As for birds today, I was thrilled to get a better photo of a Hermit Warbler. I had one at the oasis this year but wasn't very happy with my photo.

So much talk among birders this year about what a great and crazy migration this is. Part of that might be birds trying to bypass the fires out west. Millions of birds have been dying in New Mexico so maybe those that came farther east fared better.

But no one has mentioned that while West Texas is saturated with  Wilson's Warblers, there are hardly any Yellow-rumped Warblers, which normally are more common than the Wilson's (pictured below).

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