
Friday, September 18, 2020

Always a new project

A niece of mine has an app that colorizes black and white photos so I'm sending her bunches of them. Next I'll want to add them to my ancestry tree. I love color so I'm thrilled to bring old black and whites to life. Here's just one example (my mom and her younger sister).

Here's some more info on the New Mexico bird die-off.

I've made an interesting observation here in Alpine. Normally, this time of year hummers are swarming the feeders. Now I almost never see one at a feeder, but dozens of them are gnatcatching over the ponds here... a drastic change in behavior. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then it started making sense. It has to mean they migrated before their bodies were ready due to lack of protein (insects) caused by the drought, an early violent winter storm, and wildfires in the west. So before they can fuel up at feeders, they need to get strong and healthy. It doesn't affect the Lucifers at the oasis because nothing affect their pattern. And the migrants that are there apparently were the stronger ones that made it past the drought/storms/fires to safety. 

Recent research has convinced me the lack of insects is what caused the die-offs.

Today was good birding again in Alpine. Of my three Chinese Pistache trees, one is a female loaded with berries. I'll let the photos tell the story.

Warbling Vireo

Nashville Warbler

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