
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A two skunk day

 One reason I like to water my trees is because, while watering, I see species I wouldn't otherwise see. Today that happened to be, besides some bird species, two skunk species.

This first one is a Hog-nosed Skunk, sometimes called "Rooter Skunk" because of how it plows the soil, and is one of the largest skunks in the world.

The other skunk species I saw today is one you're probably most familiar with, the Striped Skunk. Both are native species.

It's not surprising that they ignored me and went about their foraging. They know they have humans and animals trained to keep their distance. 

While I was watering, the Ruby-crowned Kinglets were inspired to bathe practically at my feet. Now I know how they keep their crowns so bright. They immerse them in water.

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