
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Indoor birding

Except for a quick dash out to the ponds to count the ducks, I did all my birding from beside the fire.

There are extra ducks out there but I can't tell them apart from our resident ducks, so I have no idea which this is.

I also have two Rufous Hummingbirds here that I can't tell apart. Don't know which this one is. I wouldn't have known there were two if I hadn't seen them on different feeders at the same time. One of them chased away a male Anna's that tried to drink from a feeder. 

Next is at the second feeder taken an hour later. I don't know if this is the second Rufous or not. The feeders are a ways apart and the first Rufous seems to mostly defend the other feeder. I kept thinking it was the same bird until I saw them at the same time. And these photos may be the same bird. Nevertheless there are two here.

So I'm wandering around indoors with my camera hanging around my neck. One more day of winter to go. And I hope we don't get another wintry spell before at least January.

View out my north window

UPDATE: Just had a Mountain Bluebird outside the window by the stove. First at our house here. Didn't get a very good photo, but better than none.

Then around 6 PM I was delighted to see the Anna's Hummingbird come back to the feeder and tank up for the night. No Rufous bothered it.

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