
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Pushed myself too hard

 For two days I was going gung-ho to enclose the potty shed and hopefully improve it. When I'm all pumped up on adrenalin, I don't realize when too much is too much. So after I did all I could at the time I dragged myself to town to rest. But this time was different from other times and it wasn't that easy. I got puny with vertigo. The medicine for it made me sleep for the better part of two days.

Feeling a bit better tonight but have a hard time eating. Vertigo comes with nausea. But I'm not as sick with it as I have been at times in the past. I think I'll feel better tomorrow. I want to go back to the oasis and do more work the next day. It won't be as grueling as enclosing the shed was though. And I also cut off the huge limb on the Huisache tree that was bothering me. And other stuff. Didn't work any more on dismantling the old water feature. That's on my to-do list too. Here's the enclosed potty shed. I plan to make curtains for it so it'll be more private. The fiberglass siding I put up lets light through, but you can't see through it. It's a work in progress. Not sure how it'll work out ventilation-wise yet.

I painted the lower half of the window behind the toilet, but gonna make curtains for the door and other windows. May have to adjust things along the way if it gets too hot inside. I don't know how effective the screen above the fiberglass will be. 

To refresh your memory, this is how it looked inside in 2017, four years ago. But that privacy covering had totally disintegrated since then. Something had to be done. Wouldn't be good to have a lovely new viewing blind and a crappy (no pun intended) outhouse.


  1. Ah geez. The things to think about when people are going to come look at birds. You've done some good work...boggles my mind to think of the details. How to have it happen with minimal interference for the birds and maximum (or, well OK semi-maximum) comfort for the viewers.Sheesh. You've actually got a lot of patience.

  2. It's just going to keep on getting better. I'm going down Saturday to get more work done. Have help coming. Getting exciting. A labor of love isn't like labor at all.
