
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Step One underway

Once again I found myself headed to the oasis at daybreak.

Michael Gray arrived to begin work on the new viewing blind and water feature. The first order of business is to demolish the old water feature and some old concrete curbs left over from when the area was a vegetable garden. Good progress was made even though I was having a puny day and was little help. Here's Michael with his awesome jackhammer, getting the job done.

Still at least one Anna's Hummingbird male around. (I wasn't too puny to take photos while Mike worked.)

I had been having vertigo for the past several days; that's nearly gone. But I had bad insomnia last night so got to the oasis already exhausted. By the time Mike arrived I was ready for bed. Gonna rest tomorrow and maybe get my covid vaccination, if all goes according to plan.

Green-tailed Towhee

When birds are few and far between, Scaled Quail can be relied upon to show up.

I wouldn't have the new water tank if it wasn't for David Sarkosi and I won't have the new water feature and viewing blind if not for Mike. Great guys!

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