
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Migration on my mind

Had to come back to town without seeing a Lucifer Hummingbird but surely will be there when I get back down there in a few days. Meanwhile, trying to get my trails opened so visiting birders can enjoy migration. Yesterday I pruned half of the Upper Arroyo Trail of the stuff that had fallen over into it during that record snowfall. By the time I finished watering I didn't have energy to finish it. This morning I did the Dike Trail. So I only have the Lower Dam Trail and finishing up the Upper Arroyo Trail left to prune. I think work on the new viewing area and water feature will begin soon.

The Williamson's Sapsucker was still present today. It didn't take him long at all to pepper an Arizona Cypress tree full of sap wells. I hope that means he's going to stick around. (First photo not quite daylight)

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