
Monday, March 1, 2021

Booklet featuring CMO

A booklet was published, funded by Apache Corporation, in which the oasis is prominently featured. Front Street Books in Alpine has copies, or it's available to read online at: 

Here are a couple of pages from it.

I had long forgotten about the project, and most surprised to see my gravity water drip tank shown in it. Michael Gray took the cover photo. That last photo is hard to tell, but it's of the drip that Mac and I built two years ago.

Had a Rufous Hummingbird visit the feeder here in town today. I hadn't planned to refresh it until in the morning since it's going to get into the teens tonight (last cold snap positively), but I rushed out a fresh full feeder after seeing the bird. The feeder only had some real syrupy stuff in the bottom. I hope the hummer was able to utilize it. A quick out the window shot was all I could get.


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