
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Not the oasis at its best

It appears that spring was delayed by that record cold snap in mid-February. The Lucifers should be here and aren't; the redbud should be blooming and isn't. I've only briefly seen one butterfly since then. Bleak. 

And if that's not bad enough, the darned Williamson's Sapsucker drilled the entire trunk of my healthiest Arizona Cypress tree full of sap wells. Now the sapsucker is gone and the poor tree is bleeding profusely. It's hard to see the sap dribbling down everywhere from these photos, but it is. (It's those cream-colored streaks and they're all over the whole trunk.)

Some sharp-eyed birders spotted this tiny Canyon Bat swimming in the big tank this morning. Then it climbed out of the tank. Seems like strange behavior to me.

One can't help but wonder if all these abnormalities are related to global warming.

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