
Saturday, March 6, 2021

Too tired to blog yesterday

 My body must be really confused most of the time. Yesterday I drove it to the point of collapse and today I'm resting and feel fine. I knew yesterday that Mike Gray was going to arrive around noon to work on removing the old viewing blind to make way for the new one, hopefully to be installed next week. I also knew it was forecast to be real windy in the afternoon. It's the windy month, after all.

Assuming he could wrangle the roofing metal in the wind, it would consume the whole afternoon and leave the structure demolition for yet another day. It's a four hour round trip for him to come, so I felt it necessary to remove the roof before the wind started. I also had to haul the metal and rafters off, as Mike couldn't do it in his car. So I revved up my adrenalin and got it done. Just as I was stashing the last piece of roofing metal in the scrap yard the wind started up. I only had to struggle with that one piece but it showed me how awful it would have been to have waited. Some of the metal was antique corrugated stuff that my late husband put up and I swear it had lead in it.

Mike is a really good hard worker and there's no way the blind project would happen without him. He cut up and removed the pipe structure, which I also hauled away to the scrap yard.


Birders are coming nearly daily now. It's bad enough to have rock piles everywhere, can't have metal and pipes too. What rocks we don't use in the upcoming new water feature I'll haul away.

The above photo by Mike (I was too tired to think of taking a photo) shows the empty place where the blind was. That green chair sits about in the middle of where the new one will be. The big new green water tank (center left) looks tilted, but it's not. Must be the lens Mike used for the photo.

As I worked on the roof yesterday morning I removed enough screws to fill a large coffee can. It was delightful to see the first Lucifer Hummingbird for the year arrive at 8:30 AM. A female, that I think is banded. I didn't get a sharp photo. When I'm working hard I get somewhat shaky.

A couple of photos I had meant to share a week or so ago but didn't happen. My daughter took this one when she was at her supermarket during the big electrical outage we had with no power for 3 days. She lives near Austin. We didn't have the grocery shortage in Alpine. Just a couple of fresh vegetables weren't available as far as I could tell.

This next photo is of my son's new sign here in Alpine. He has his sign business set up inside my other son's building. He's getting lots of business...... more than he'd like since he wants to spend more time at the oasis.

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